Kevin Huizenga, born 1977 in Illinois, is actively participates to the exploration of the comics médium, on many levels.
After having self-published tons of minis for many years (his minicomics Supermonster, launched in 93 when Huizenga was still in high school, lived till 2001 ; it’s in this very title that he created Glenn Ganges, his man character who’s a pivot to lots of his stories), Huizenga is published by Fantagraphics and Drawn & Quarterly.
His work is characterized by an ability to use the distance he installs between his work and its readers, distilling step by step enough elements to let appears differents levels to understand the whole thing, progressively. Observing his contemporaries, some feuilletonesque approach of narrative stories, a few questions without answers (faith and belief, the relativity of existence…) and moutains of talent : such things that extend each Huizenga distinct story, as its series « Or Else », « Amazing Facts and beyond ! »…


Selective bibliography :
•        « Curses », Drawn and Quarterly
•        « Ganges » #1-4, Fantagraphics
•        « Ganges », Vertige Graphic (France)
•        « Malédictions », Vertige Graphic (France)
•        « Wild Kingdom », Drawn and Quarterly
•        « Or Else » #1-5, Drawn and Quarterly
•        « New Construction #1-2
•        « The Factoids of Life », with Dan Zettwoch and Ted May
•        « Fight or Run: Shadow of the Chopper »

Anthologies, etc :
•        « Kramers Ergot » 8, PictureBox
•        « Kramers Ergot » 7, Buenaventura Press
•        « Kramers Ergot » 5, Buenaventura Press
•        « Black » 1-2, Vertige Graphic (France)
•        « Showcase » #1, Drawn and Quarterly
•        « Orchid », Sparkplug Comics
•        « Impossible », magazines #1 & #3
•        « The Best American Comics 2007 », Houghton Mifflin
•        « The Best American Comics 2009 », Houghton Mifflin