As we are trying to make things in order in our billions of billions of archives, we just get our hands on a couple of books and posters done during the fifth Pierre Feuille Ciseaux (in Minneapolis, US, last year).
Those three last collective productions were released at the end of ten days of collaborative work between +20 creators : Josh Bayer (USA), Gabrielle Bell (USA), Marc Bell (CAN), Charles Burns (USA), Rachel Deville (FR), Ines Estrada (MEX), Edie Fake (USA), Pierre Ferrero (FR), Dominique Goblet (BE), Sammy Harkham (USA), Aidan Koch (USA), Antoine Marchalot (FR), Pascal Matthey (CH), Jean-Christophe Menu (FR), Anders Nilsen (USA), Nylso (FR), Laura Park (USA), Helge Reumann (CH), Zak Sally (USA), Jillian Tamaki (CAN)…

PFC5 Autoptic 2

Those very last items are now on sale on our online shop ; it shouldn’t stay this long before the very last copies will be sold, and we’re sorry for this awful agressive marketting method…  😉

More really soon !