Delphine Panique was born in 1981 in the south of France.

After several years studying French Literature, and professional humming and hawing, she happened to find the Editions Misma, small publishing house based in the south of France, notable for its bright and creative catalogue, concerned by the upheavals of this planet.

Orlando, first of Delphine Panique’s books (2013), is very representative of this as a free reinterpretation of Virgina Woolf’s book with further splendid ambitions. It is followed by En temps de guerre, wonderful pamphlet taking stupidity of war to the core of the debate, giving the author the opportunity to develop beautiful ideas by creating a few beautiful colorful female characters.

A few books later, while female figure, at least as much in contemporary comic books as everywhere else, deserves to be considered from every angle, Le Vol nocturne explores a bit more its representation, by means of a very important figure: the witch.  No terrifying spells in Panique’s pages, and definitely no clichés or preconceived ideas. The author carries on her way, sowing lovely seeds of thinking for her readership, enchanted by a clear and ingenuous drawing, and she subtly gives thousands of leads to free our sometimes sad imaginary. You can find revisited and relevant fantasy on every page of her books.

Delphine Panique exposed in Viborg (Denmark), in the Pulp Festival, in Colombiers’Festival, in Festival Indélébile, in Lozère, in Brussels,…She runs workshops with school students and people in hospital or in jail. She did artist residencies in Naples or Lombez. She lives in Toulouse with her daughter and cat.


Bibliography :

• “Orlando” (éditions Misma, 2013)
• “En temps de guerre” (Misma, 2015)
• “L’Arraché et l’épaulé-jeté” (auto-édition, 2015)
• “L’Odyssée du Vice” (Les Requins Marteaux, 2016)
• “Le vol nocturne” (Cornélius, 2018)
• “Boris et natacha” (Les Machines, 2018)
• “Les Classiques de Patrique” (éditions Gallimard, 2019)

Collectives :

• illustrations for Bayard Presse and Milan Presse since 2010
• many minis with Indélébile Collective (Toulouse)
• “40075 km” (L’employé du Moi, 2007)
• “Franky / Nicole” n°1 to 7 (Les Requins Marteaux /Cornélius, since 2014)
• “Dopututto Max” n°1 to 9 (Misma, 2006-2016)
• “Les classiques de Patrique”, magazine Topo, since 2016