PFC#7 in sight !

More infos soon about the soon-to-happen PFC#7 which will happen next january during the Festival International de la bande dessinée d’Angoulême (thansk again for the invitation and the confidence !).


More details very soon but save the dates for the PFC#7 show (complete with exhibitions, gatherings, lectures, concerts, workshops among many other things) from january 30th to february 2nd, 2020, at “L’Espace Franquin”, Place Saint-Martial, in good’ol’ Angoulême !

Meantime, all this will be once again discussed both on this site and on social networks in real time, where we will try to share as precisely as possible the outcomes of this new experiment.

Here is the list of guest residents for this 7th Pierre Feuille Ciseaux edition :
Benjamin Adam (France)
David Amram (France)
Alex Baladi (Swiss)
Charles Burns (USA)
Aisha Franz (Germany)
Juliana Hyrri (Finland)
Joe Kessler (UK)
Matthias Lehmann (France)
Violaine Leroy (France)
Joanna Lorho (France)
Juliette Mancini (France)
Zak Sally (USA)
Lale Westvind (USA)

ChiFouMi would like to thanks the artistic direction and the whole team at the Angoulême International Comics Festival, and all our numerous partners who helped us to provide this new PFC.
More soon !

PFC#6 : The PFC#6 book is out now.

Hip hip hooray! Once again and this time at the invitation of the Angoulême International Comics Festival, the great meeting of collective creation orchestrated by the ChiFouMi association took place on the occasion of its 46th edition in january 2019.
For a whole week, 16 creators explored the gigantic territory of contemporary comics. Whether known or less known, coming from Germany, Belgium, France, Israel, Switzerland, Thailand, the USA, their own approach of what comics can be has made us want to invite them to work and to experiment together in a place right next to Angoulême, where we are convinced emulation will materialize.

PFC#6 BOOK - cover

And once again, some magic happened : in a very few days, we managed to get a small run of books that attest of this very energy. All the PFC#6 residents collaborated on this new collective book.
It’s done on “under creative constraints” to say the least, but we’ll let you check about the process in the explanation within the book (or on our website for more informations).

It’s a 100 pages printed in full color, A5 size, square spine, and comes with some PFC#6 giant postcards, too.
Through the pages : 66 pages of a long and complete comics exercise including all of the 16 PFC#6 cartoonists + somes pics from the residency + some explanations about the thing that you read + various stuff, too.

And who did that ? Tara Booth (USA), Tuna Dunn (Thailand), Jul Gordon (Germany), Anna Haifisch (Germany), Keren Katz (Israël), Yannis La Macchia (Swiss), Jean-Christophe Menu (France), Anders Nilsen (USA), Delphine Panique (France), Laura Park (USA), Benoît Preteseille (France), Simon Roussin (France), Samplerman (France), Jessica Seamans (USA), Mathilde Van Gheluwe (Belgium) and Noah Van Sciver (USA).

500 copies of this crazy collaborative long story based on some ChiFouMi classic narrative deconstruction method. And then, it’s gone. In fact, we sold plenty of those during the Festival so : don’t sleep on this one and click here for more infos on the ChiFouMi webstore !

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PFC#6 at the “Grand Jeu”, IT IS ON!

The 6th edition is ready to begin, almost every author arrived today at the “Grand Jeu” (the “big game”), our amazing residency place in Angoulême’s countryside.


“Le Grand Jeu” (“The Big game”), our atypical, cosy residency spot under the beautiful blue sky.


The work space, sunny, well organized… waiting…


Since monday night, the team, progressively builds itself. (Sailor sweaters are pretty fashionable here, as you can see…)


Near the fire place… (even better than home!)



More infos soon about the soon-to-happen PFC#7 which will happen next january during the Festival International de la bande dessinée d’Angoulême (thansk again for the invitation and the confidence !).

PFC7 COMPO - tempo WEB

More details very soon but save the dates for the PFC#7 show (complete with exhibitions, gatherings, lectures, concerts, workshops among many other things) from january 30th to february 2nd, 2020, at “L’Espace Franquin”, Place Saint-Martial, in good’ol’ Angoulême !

Meantime, all this will be once again discussed both on this site and on social networks in real time, where we will try to share as precisely as possible the outcomes of this new experiment.

Here is the list of guest residents for this 7th Pierre Feuille Ciseaux edition :
Benjamin Adam (France)
David Amram (France)
Alex Baladi (Swiss)
Charles Burns (USA)
Aisha Franz (Germany)
Juliana Hyrri (Finland)
Joe Kessler (UK)
Matthias Lehmann (France)
Violaine Leroy (France)
Joanna Lorho (France)
Juliette Mancini (France)
Zak Sally (USA)
Lale Westvind (USA)

ChiFouMi would like to thanks the artistic direction and the whole team at the Angoulême International Comics Festival, and all our numerous partners who helped us to provide this new PFC.
More soon !

Yannis La Macchia

Yannis La Macchia was born in 1985 in Geneva. He’s one of the co-founders of the Hécatombe collective, singular comic book publishing house : since its creation in 2005, Hécatombe proposes  ingenious objects to convey a narrative frame, adapted and clever supports to another solicitation of the readers ; their works are opposite of the industrial model where the format determines often the whole thing.

Yannis La Macchia won the prestigious Rodolphe Töpffer Award for “The beauty and new fashion hall”. At the same time, the new Geneva indy scene, of which La Macchia is definitely one of the most involved workers, is working on the Monstre : this festival is dedicated to micro-publishing, the first edition took place in 2011.

In 2014, one of his work,  “Un Fanzine Carré”, gets the Fauve de la Bande dessinée Alternative au festival d’Angoulême (Alternative Comics award) : a few months earlier, the incredible number “C” of this series had teased the world of the alternative edition. This small cube of 9 cm square, 900 pages, meticulously manufactured have completed to convince that La Macchia had more than one trick in his bag, and that Hécatombe was one of the most exciting self-publishing actors.

In 2017, Atrabile (25 years old swiss editorial structure but still judicious) publishes “Des bâtisseurs”. This book links Yannis personnal potentiality in comics and a new fluidity in the architecture of the narrative, while inserting philosophical, societary and creative questioning. This author-publisher certainly doesn’t want to follow a path already identified, but want to clear-building some unexpected passages.

This exploration is obviously not about to stop : in 2018 appears the “collection RVB”, a new digital form of the comic strip  (without forgetting a materialized form, we can find it in bookstores). Once again, Yannis La Macchia serves as a researcher at the service of the comics cause, and develops a distinct talent for challenging himself and, at the same time, challenging cartoon itself.

Online :

Bibliography :

• “Des bâtisseurs” (Atrabile, 2017).
• “Ils” (Hécatombe, 2015).
• “Réversible” (Hécatombe, 2014).
• “Quinze cases” (Hécatombe, 2014).
• “Les raisons de se cacher” (Hécatombe, 2014).
• “XXXXX” (Hécatombe, 2014).
• “No Futur is not dead” (Hécatombe, 2008).
• “The beauty and new fashion hall” (Hécatombe, 2007).
• “Roman de gare” (Hécatombe, 2005).
• “Eeeh ouais Bonhomme” (Hécatombe, 2004).

Collectives (selection) :

• “Drozophile #9” (Drozophile, 2017).
• “Turkey comix #23″(The hoochie coochie, 2015).
• “Un fanzine carré # D” (Hécatombe, 2014).
• “Un fanzine carré # C” (Hécatombe, 2013).
• “Turkey comix #20” (The hoochie coochie, 2012).
• “Un fanzine carré # B” (Hécatombe, 2011).
• “Drozophile #8” (Kouma, 2011).
• “Turkey comix #18” (The hoochie coochie, 2010).
• “Un fanzine carré #A” (Hécatombe, 2010).
• “Bile noire #17” (Atrabile, 2010).