Some pictures of the first collective project, it’s being printed at L’atelier Le Bouc in Angoulême where Geoffrey Grimal welcomes Renaud Thomas (and his beautiful apron). Looking forward to seeing it!
25 January 2020
Some pictures of the first collective project, it’s being printed at L’atelier Le Bouc in Angoulême where Geoffrey Grimal welcomes Renaud Thomas (and his beautiful apron). Looking forward to seeing it!
Published in • 2020 - PFC#7 (Angoulême)
24 January 2020
We come closer to the end of the very first day and of the very first collaborative project : a 40 pages, 2 colors silkscreen printed accordion book, launched by our precious and old friend Renaud Thomas, with help from our precious and old friend Jaime Willems, produced between Le Grand Jeu where’s PFC#7 is happening at the moment and L’atelier Le Bouc in Angoulême.
At this very moment, we draw, we ink, we scan, we cut, we colorise, we work hard on the first project done made in PFC#7.
First step : each guest resident did a single color drawing. Later, this drawing is colorised by some other author.
Jaime and Renaud in full action : scan, cleaning, correctin, resize, lay out of the book.
Then, a double spread is slotted between two drawings. This new double page introduce the narrative notion within the project, connecting two drawings from two different cartoonists. Even more, it’s the result of a collaboration between two authors… The final version looks like a narrative suite looking like : page 1 : [author A] ; pages 2 & 3 : [authors A & B] ; page 4 : [author B] ; pages 5 & 6 : [authors B et C] ; page 7 : [author C] ; etc.
Above : double spread courtesy of Aisha Franz and Juliana Hyrri.
Bottom : double spread from Charles Burns and Matthias Lehmann (each of them pencilled a drawing on a side of the double page, then inked one’s other ; and vice-versa).
Thursday, 11:50pm, first day : 39 pages, soon at the Pierre Feuille Ciseaux #7 art show within the FIBD.
Published in • 2020 - PFC#7 (Angoulême)
“De la chevalerie” (2016-2018, Atrabile)
“Songe d’une nuit d’hiver” (2018, self-published)
“Bien, Monsieur.” #1-#11 (2015-…)
“Biscoto” #43-48-63-64-66-68-70-72-74-76 (2015-…)