More 24 hours comics extravanganza !
Thanks to la Maison des Auteurs de la Cité Internationale de la Bande Dessinée et de l’Image d’Angoulême and its partnership with le Festival international de la bande dessinée d’Angoulême, ChiFouMi will drive this 10th 24h comics day edition in Angoulême.
We got crazy constraints in mind and you can be part of this from wherever in the world, as far as you can register online on the website between december 2015, 8th to january 2016, 17th.
And check what it will be all about by visiting on the very first moment when we’ll share the constraints (yeah, there will be more than one !) : rendez-vous on january 26th, 3 pm (Paris hour ! check yours).

24H bande dessinée Maison des Auteurs ©Christophe Bataillon
More real soon !

(illustration : Christophe Bataillon)