The booklet which is the leitmotiv of this collective creation week is based on a recent proposal by ChiFouMi.
The exercise called “La Boucle” (the loop) has already been explored in Central Vapeur or at the fesival of comics in BD à Bastia. It is based on the basic idea of an exquisite corpse to which specific contraints are added. These contraints have been slightly altered to turn this proposal into something achievable during our short residency.
– in a hat, 9 papers designate the elements : 3 characters/ 3 objects/ 3 backgrounds.
– each of the seven authors randomly chooses one of the elements. He draws the item and put it together with the others.
– each author is given a classic 4 panel comics page.
– each author chooses a second element from the group, and uses it to create his first frame A (using frame #4) : this becomes the first of two frames.
– he then takes a new page (previously handled by his neighbor who has followed the first steps of the exercise on his side). On this page, he continues his story in case #1. It’s his case B that follows his case A.
– all the pages are traded once again. In that way, each author faces a double page on which the first and last panels have been drawn by two different authors. He then must draw the 6 panels left to connect them.

The story that is made through all these joints makes an infinite loop, where all the elements that were produced before gives some kind of common road where each author can intend its own singularies and its own imagination, while following a protocol nearly invisible.
For this very case, two couleurs were chosen through random for having each authors’ artwork before the silkscreening printing starts.
Here is the process we find out for having 7 authors creating together.
The book will be released saturday evening around 8:30 pm.