While the authors have made most of their work, the screen-printing workshop is abuzz since yesterday.
Two projects are being printed : the booklet (or Zine, proposed by Chifoumi), and the fanzine, at the initiative of the authors.

Atelier Sérigraphie
The Zine cover has been printed, embossed, perforated and trimmed earlier this week.
Atelier Sérigraphie
The dream screen-printing team : Mimi, Sandra, Lucas, Romaric.
Atelier Sérigraphie
The authors’ works have been scanned and ‘cleaned’ before printing.
Atelier Sérigraphie
Renaud Thomas, who has been supervising the printing process, writing down corrections before validation.
Atelier Sérigraphie
Renaud and Sandra performing the corrections.
Atelier Sérigraphie
And always last minute corrections…
Atelier Sérigraphie
Atelier Sérigraphie
All the typons are carefully assembled together.
Atelier Sérigraphie
Laura and Sandra make sure the colors are at the right place.
Atelier Sérigraphie
The first of the four frames necessary to print the Zine being exposed.
Atelier Sérigraphie
Precision, precision, precision !
Atelier Sérigraphie
The exposition quality being controlled.
Atelier Sérigraphie
Go! Mimi running the machine and Romaric, Laura and Beebee assisting.

The Zine is being printed since 8am this morning !

For the “other” fanzine, the same tasks and involvement are necessary to produce the 2 covers :

Atelier Sérigraphie
Pierre Ferrero finishing his contribution to the fanzine cover.
Atelier Sérigraphie
Benoît Preteseille too, with a brush and a light table.
Atelier Sérigraphie
Guillaume preparing the typon for the first color of the fanzine cover.
Atelier Sérigraphie
The screens are cleaned after exposition.
Atelier Sérigraphie
Check and double-check : any defect at this stage would degrade all the issues.
Atelier Sérigraphie
Guillaume and Romaric screen-printing the fanzine cover.
Atelier Sérigraphie
Lucas, Mimi and Romaric in action.
Atelier Sérigraphie
The first part of the cover…

Stay tuned !