Dignac Yolo 2.0 !

Near Angoulême, France and just before the FIBD 2020 starts, all the creators/cartoonists/artists/authors that were part of the Pierre Feuille Ciseaux #7 collective residency organised by Association ChiFouMi worked hard on plenty, plenty of graphic/narrative projects.
While most of it was sticking with the comics deconstruction (as you can check here on this very website), some others “tried” many weird roads to improve their skills as much as their own selves.

So, here’s “Dignac Yolo 2.0”, a very short video project that could be considered as some hysterical-but-totally-tired result of hours of fun, decompress-stage for the 13 authors that gave everything during those 8 hectic days, including cutting up crazy cars with cardboard, glu and magic markers. It’s still a narrative collective effort, made mostly by cartoonists that never experimented such a thing (“images that moves !”), but you’ll be able to feel/see by yourselves how much it was time to HAVE FUN, whatever the result.
BUT because all those people are beautiful people, they managed to push things forward even with it was supposed to be fun and quick : simply said, they were the best.

“Dignac Yolo 2.0”, France, 2020, by : Benjamin Adam (France) • David Amram (France) • Alex Baladi (Swiss) • Charles Burns (USA) • Aisha Franz (Germany) • Juliana Hyrri (Finland) • Joe Kessler (UK) • Matthias Lehmann (France) • Violaine Leroy (France) • Joanna Lorho (France) • Juliette Mancini (France) • Zak Sally (USA) • Lale Westvind (USA).

Done in january 2020 at Le Grand Jeu, Dignac, as part of PFC#7/Pierre Feuille Ciseaux #7, within the 2020 Angoulême international Comics Festival.
Thanks to all the creators and racing drivers involved.
™ & ® association ChiFouMi / all PFC#7 residents (see list above).

What PFC#7 was all about (in 876543789 pics).

PFC#7 is over.
It was a crazy one indeed, complete with incredible productions, fantastic artwork, great collective visual cacophony, and absolutely delightful artists totally involved into the project : thanks again to each of them.
And thanks to all the people who found their way in the Espace Franquin labyrinth and who found us at some point !
More soon to come : some PFC#7 productions (silkscreened accordion books ; tons of various xeroxed minis ; etc) on our online boutique in the days to come ; some great feedbacks here or there ; and probably more (and before that, you can check all the posts done during PFC#7 online here and also here for plenty of pics and vids on instagram)

(pics are courtesy of the artists and the ChiFouMi gang)

And here goes a short list of some of the main ChiFouMi rendez-vous during the Festival…

Thursday, January 30th 2020 :
– 2:00-2:45 pm : What happened ? A guided tour of the PFC#7 exhibition.
Come and have a guided tour, with explanations from the authors who were part of the collective residency PFC#7, with Benjamin Adam, Julianna Hyrri, Joanna Lorho, and more…
– 5:00-6:00 pm : What is Pierre Feuille Ciseaux ?
Short films and blababla to know more about the project ; release of the PFC#7 accordion book project, done in one week with all the PFC#7 artists… full color, limited run, don’t sleep !
+ all day : Ephemeral bookstore • Exhibition(s) of the works done during the residency week.

Friday, January 31st 2020 :
– 3:00-3:45 pm : What happened ? A guided tour of the PFC#7 exhibition.
Come and have a guided tour, with explanations from the authors who were part of the collective residency PFC#7, with Alex Baladi, Matthias Lehmann, Violaine Leroy and more.
– 5:00 pm : lecture with Aisha Franz.
Aisha Franz is an international karaoke champion and will do a lecture of her recent work.
– 6:00-7:00 pm : lecture from Charles Burns.
A moment to enjoy the north-american cartoonist who was part of PFC for the second time.
+ all day : Ephemeral bookstore • Exhibition(s) of the works done during the residency week.

Saturday, February 1st 2020 :
– 11:00-11:45 am : What happened ? A guided tour of the PFC#7 exhibition.
Come and have a guided tour, with explanations from the authors who were part of the collective residency PFC#7.
– 2:00-3:00 pm : a talk with Xavier Guilbert (du9.org) about the PFC experience.
– 5:30-6:30 pm : lecture with Lale Westvind.
The frisky cartoonist from Philly will share a moment with us. Two parts, tons of fun.
– 6:30-7:00 pm : Joanna Lorho in concert.
Set of angry love songs, courtesy of the cartoonist/musician/animator/radio animator.
– 7:15-8:00 pm : Zak Sally in concert.
The cartoonist and publisher, former bass player in Low, ChiFouMi US counterpart, will build a pocket wall of sound.
+ all day : Ephemeral bookstore • Exhibition(s) of the works done during the residency week.

Sunday, February 2nd 2020 :
– 10:00-10:45 Am : What happened ? A guided tour of the PFC#7 exhibition.
Come and have a guided tour, with explanations from the authors who were part of the collective residency PFC#7, with Charles Burns, Joanna Lorho, Juliette Mancini and more…
– 3:00-4:00 pm : What is Pierre Feuille Ciseaux ?
Short films and blababla to know more about the project.
+ all day : Ephemeral bookstore • Exhibition(s) of the works done during the residency week.

PFC#7, Antipasti

PFC#7, sweet sunday…


Alex (and yes, “ressacs” are back…:-) )
Matthias and Charles
Zak and Juliana
Zak (Thank you Pierre for your guitar <3)