The first step is done…
Each author chose at least 1 character, 1 setting and 1 object among the elements selected before to create a short story in 4 pictures.

18 January 2019
The first step is done…
Each author chose at least 1 character, 1 setting and 1 object among the elements selected before to create a short story in 4 pictures.
Published in ChiFouMi in action..., • 2019 - PFC#6 (Angoulême)
Meanwhile in Angoulême Nicolas Verstappen runs a workshop at the EESI (European Image School). 20 international students are experimenting several exercices from OubaPo, Nick Sousanis’ “Grids and Gestures” experiment or 60′ comics. It rocks!
During the week, there will be several shared moment between the PFC#6 authors and the awesome team of students there : Adèle Mesones et Margaux Peron (EESI, Angoulême, France) ; Nicharee Sawartsoot et Sasi Tanyanurak (Chulalongkorn, Bangkok, Thailand) ; Quentin Bohuon et Irina Lisacheva (HEAR, Strasbourg, France) ; Dragana Radanović, Dido Drachman et Eva Lynen (LUCA, Bruxelles, Belgique) ; Nina Six et Léo Gillet (ERG, Bruxelles, Belgique) ; Ulrike Marais et Neeske Alexander (University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa) ; Elísabet Rún Þorsteinsdóttir et Björn Heimir Önundarson (School of Visual Art, Reykjavík, Iceland) ; Tommi Ollikainen, Terhi Adler et Juliana Hyrri (Aalto University, Aalto, Finland) ; Théo Remmlinger et Félix Ernoult (HEAD, Genève, Suisse).
Published in • 2019 - PFC#6 (Angoulême)
Everyone has randomly chosen and then drawn a character, an object, and a setting. After that and among all these drawings, the group voted those that would finally be used for the Loop’s story.
Published in ChiFouMi in action..., • 2019 - PFC#6 (Angoulême)
Published in ChiFouMi in action..., • 2019 - PFC#6 (Angoulême)
17 January 2019
Published in ChiFouMi in action..., • 2019 - PFC#6 (Angoulême)