At the very end of the last century, a group of friends created the fanzine Spon, whose one of the major issues was to associate intimate, introspective things with spontaneity. David Libens, cofounder of this great venture (as for the L’Employé du Moi publisher, a few years later), never ceased to dig this way.
His line a bit naive and falsely irresolute is in perfect adequacy with the highly personnal tone of his stories, of his story ; cause after all this time (and all these pages), it’s his very own person which stays in the very middle of the art of the sensitive and fragile David Libens.
His autobiographical approach is moving because it’s larger than life, more emotive than many life stories that were published those last years. Libens, without any distance and with only what it takes of decency, return the essence of life, its toughness, its trouble.
He’s somewhere between Belgium and the USA, after a long stay in Vermont, US (at The Center for Cartoon Studies, White River Junction).

Bibliography :

  • “Les dunes” (scénario : Vanderheyden Philippe), L’Employé du Moi, 2007.
  • “Sans Charlot”, L’Employé du Moi, 2013.
  • “San Francisco 2002”, Mycose, 2007.
  • “De l’autre côté”, L’Employé du Moi, 2003.
  • “Le Couloir”, L’Employé du Moi, 2002.

Anthologies, fanzines, collectives…

  • “Appendix”, L’Employé du Moi, 2010.
  • “Crrisp !”, L’Employé du Moi, 2008.
  • “40075km comics”, L’Employé du Moi, 2007.
  • “Disparition”, L’Employé du Moi, 2004.
  • “Abruxellation”, L’Employé du Moi, 2000.
  • “Etalage” 1/2, L’Employé du Moi, 1999/2000.
  • “48 n°2 – La distance”, 2010.
  • Mycose, Tonton, Le Journal de Judith et Marinette…